Thank you for your kind letter and your prayers for my son and his family. 

To refresh your memory I wrote asking you remember our son and his family in a novena.  Our 13 year old son was killed by a car.

I feel drawn to write you and let you know the experiences we've had with Our Lady.  A month before my son's death I (his mother) had a beautiful dream.  I dreamed I went to church in Ohio.  I remember it so clearly, a large church with many steps to climb to enter.  When entering, there were many balloons and streamers almost as though a celebration.  I also dreamed of buying bibles - there were many priests and sisters around.  On Labor Day weekend my husband and I decided it was best to get away for a while, but wasn't sure where to go.  Ironically, we both mentioned going to Carey, Ohio abut the same time.

When we arrived in Carey, Ohio I nearly fell to the ground.  I could feel my heart leap as this was the same church in my dream.  This was our first visit to Carey.  May I add, while there, we purchased a bible for our daughter just as in my dream.  I truly believe Our Lady called us there as she knew the grief of losing an only son.  You see, she is still performing miracles.  The following week we made our second visit, this time my husband carried Our Lady in the procession.  What an honor.

Two weeks before our son's death I was again in sleep although still very aware of what was going on around me.  I was laying on my back, but still another part of me was sitting up, and as this other part of me was leaving my body I weans at such peace.  I cannot fully explain the glorious feeling, it was wonderful.  As all this was happening, I remember saying I want to stay but I have my family.  With that, this other part of me entered back into my body.  The next day I told my husband, if this is death, I would not be afraid.  Was it a message from Jesus?  I believe it to be so.

A week after our son's death two doves stayed in our yard all day - one staying close to the house and one watching over the other dove at a further distance.  When evening came they both flew away.  Was it a message of peace?  I believe it to be so.

Nine days after our son's death there was a bad storm.  The sky turned yellow and there was a tornado watch.  When all became calm, a beautiful rainbow appeared in front of our home.  Was it a message of peace?  I believe it to be so.

At the night of our son's death, a priest came to the hospital and prayed with us.  He said we may feel angry with God.  We can truthfully say this has not happened.  If anything, our faith has become stronger.

The pain of losing our son is great.  Our hearts will ache until the day comes we can be with him again.  We are a family that have had many troubles but our love for each other and the unending love of Jesus has kept us together.  I watch Mother Angelica on T.V.  She says, in pain there is joy.  At this time, we feel the only joy will come the day we can hug our son again.  This is why we continue to pray for continued strength and to keep our faith strong, but as loving as Jesus is, I'm sure He will stay close to us until the end of our days.  Isn't Mary and Jesus wonderful?  I believe it to be so.

Thank you, Father, for your concern and your prayers.  May God bless you.