December Special Events
Sunday, 8th - Ecumenical Christmas Concert at 4:00pm
Monday, 9th - Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
NOT a holyday of obligation due to its transfer from the 8th.
11:00am Mass (Upper Basilica)
Shrine Devotions following Mass
Tuesday, 24th - Christmas Eve
5:00pm Vigil Mass
Christmas Pageant to begin at 4:45pm.
12:00 Midnight Mass
Prelude music by OLC Shrine Chorale to begin at 11:30pm.
Wednesday, 25th - Christmas Day
Holyday of obligation!
10:00am Mass
Prelude music begins at 9:40pm.
Weekly Schedule
Weekend Mass Schedule (Upper Basilica)
Saturday: 5:00pm - Sunday: 9:00am & 11:00am
Devotions & Blessing with the Relic following Sunday 11:00am Mass
Daily Masses (Lower Basilica)
Monday through Saturday: 11:00am
Tuesday through Friday: 7:00am
Confessions (Lower Basilica)
Saturdays: 3:30 - 4:30pm
Eucharistic Adoration (Lower Basilica)
Tuesdays: 7:30am - 4:30pm
Family Rosary (Lower Basilica)
Tuesdays: 4:00pm
Rosary before the Shrine Altar (Upper Basilica)
Thursdays: 6:30 PM
Thursdays: Bingo - 6:30 PM at the Shrine Cafeteria